Producer’s Edition
The Origins of Sound Qualities is an interactive PDF based audio production educational resource that covers the complete signal path using embedded, click-to-play 16 bit, 44.1 kHz audio clips. You’ll learn about all the sound influencing factors involved during the recording process – from the arrangements and musicianship; to the gear, related engineering techniques, mixdown and mastering. Afterwards, you’ll know from listening experience how all the components of a recording’s signal path can or cannot influence the final result. The knowledge gained can assist you in making better choices at the most appropriate points during the recording process. This in turn can help you to produce recordings that have more of the sound qualities you’re going for. All major styles of music and instrumentation are represented – this provides you with a broad musical perspective that can foster your continual evolution as an effective music producer. The click-to-play WAV files linked directly to the text you’re reading ensures the information is delivered in the most reliable, seamless and engaging manner. The Producer’s Edition includes all of the content found in The Origins of Sound Qualities – Audio Gear and Acoustics. In addition, it has modules that cover: An in depth study of the interactions between the musician’s arrangement of parts relative to the vocal melody line • Audio production theory and history • Musical Instruments and Modeling. Includes a link to a brief online test where you can also ask questions relevant to what you have studied. The Origins of Sound Qualities – Producer’s Edition: PDF file, 406 pages, 848 embedded 16 bit, 44.1 kHz WAV files, embedded video, 1.3 gigabyte download, $49.95

Audio Gear & Acoustics
This interactive PDF provides you with a comprehensive WAV audio study of recording gear and acoustics. This edition of The Origins of Sound Qualities has all the modules of the Producer’s Edition except the modules covering musical arrangements and execution, audio production theory, history, and comparisons of musical instruments and modeling. The click-to-play 16bit, 44.1k A/B comparisons were engineered under controlled, repeatable conditions and cover the complete signal path. Audio Gear topics and features include: 24 Track Analog vs digital recorders recording three distinct genres of music (the 24 track and 1/2 track analog mixdown recorders operating at a reference level of 320 nWb/meter) • Analog vs. digital mixers • Plug-ins vs. the real thing • Discrete transistor vs. tube and transformer coupled mic preamps • Tube vs. solid state compressors • Neumann U87 vs. Shure SM58 and AKG414 vs. Shure SM57 microphones • 16bit vs. 24bit multitrack recorders • CD vs. vinyl and MP3 • High-quality vs. standard XLR cables and snakes • Long vs. short signal paths • Audio connectors and splitters • Multiple styles of music and live musicians were used as sound sources • The seven Acoustics and Reverbs learning modules focus on what recordists need to know about the acoustics of their recording environment. Also covered are reverb simulation devices which are compared to the real thing • Includes a link to a brief online test where you can ask questions relevant to what you have studied. The Origins of Sound Qualities – Audio Gear & Acoustics – PDF file, 215 pages, 515 embedded WAV sound clips, 778 megabyte download, $24.95

Essential Listening
Essential Listening consists of pages and embedded WAV audio clips selected from the Producer’s Edition of The Origins of Sound Qualities PDF. The bookmarks menu lists all 40 modules of the Producer’s Edition to show you its scope. Essential Listening includes the three module cover pages of PART I. It also includes all of Module 4 (analog vs. digital mixers),as well as audio clips of digital vs. analog 24 track and mixdown recorders (DDD/AAD). There are also WAV clips that demonstrate the problems with using internet audio formats for audio engineering studies. Other WAV clips show the effective use of a home studio’s acoustical environment to achieve broadcast quality results with a live band. This quick course concludes with A/B comparisons demonstrating the difference created by knowledgeable production choices. Essential Listening documents a hierarchy of audio component importance and reveals where your focus of attention should be at various points during the recording process. This is Essential Listening! – PDF file, 117 embedded WAV sound clips, 72 pages, 225 megabyte download, $9.95